Credit by : photoshopCAFE
Two Face Optical Illusion Effect - Photoshop Tutorial Hey CAFE crew, in this Photoshop tutorial, I'm going to show you how to create a twoface effect by combining a front on photo with a profile to create this cool optical illusion. Hey, I'm Colin Smith from PhotoshopCAFE and I'm going to show you how to create this cool-effect which you might have seen in movie posters, book covers, different things likethat. So what we're going to do is we're going to start with a profile. Now, preferably you want to have this of the same person, which these are. You could use different people if you wanted. But, anyway, I'm just going to select the white area here, so I've just used the Quick Select Tool there, you can see that. I could use the Magic Wand and just select that area nice. So what we want to do now is we want to inverse this selection, so only a person is being selected and not the white area. So just hit Ctrl Shift I or Command Shift I on Mac, and, so, we've unversed that selection. So what we've got now is the selection there and we want to copy this to the new layer. So I'm just going to grab the Move Tool there and I could actually just hit the V key ifyou want, for the Move Tool, and we're just going to jump this to a new layer, and that's Ctrl J or Command J on Mac. And notice that we've got our background there has now been extracted. So what we're going to do now is go into the next window and we're going to grab this person of the front on view, and we're going to drop this on top, so we're going to combine them. Now one of the things I found for the profile, it's good to kind of have the hair up, getit out of the way, so we can see the neck and everything, and get a clear silhouette. However, from the front on picture, having some hair actually helps because it will frame the image a little bit and you'll see what I mean. So what we're going to do is we're just going to align this up. So we're going to clip these two together, so I'm going to hit the Alt or the Option key. Notice in-between that top layer and the next layer as I do that, you can see when I click,it just drops it in there. So what we need to do now is to just move this around and scale it. So we're going to scale it up because we want the lips to really fit and the nose to fitin there, and you'll notice an eye will pop in here. So we're going to hit Ctrl T and that's Command T on Mac for free transform. Now I'm going to hold the Shift key to constrain the movement, and then, Option to do it from the middle. And so, while holding Option Shift, and it would be Alt Shift on Windows, so I'm just dragging this up to make it nice and big, and we're just going to line it up a little bit. I want the nostrils kind of there and let's have a look at this. So we're just going to move this around. Okay, so it's still not quite big enough, so we're going to go a little bit bigger. I'm just going to zoom out a little bit so I can get to those edges. And, once again, holding down those same keyboard shortcuts, we're going to pull that up. Oh, that's starting to look quite good, right there. So now I'm going to pull it over. So what I want to do is just align up those lips. See that?Those lips are kind of looking like actual lips, so let's align it up to about there. And notice how the nose kind of fits in there and the eye kind of fits in there. It gives a cool effect. Now one of the things that we might do is just rotate this around a little bit because I feel like that's really what we need to do for this, and sometimes, you're going todo that. And so you just want to line up those lips, and we're just kind of get the nostril there,and an eye there. And you can see we start to get this cool optical illusion. Now I think I want to fill the background with black, just to give this a little bitmore feel, so we're going to hit the D key to reset foreground and background colors,and then, we're just going to fill the background with black, so that's Option Delete or AltBackspace on Windows. And you can see right there, there's our cool optical illusion. So if you'll look at it, you can kind of see here, it looks like a profile, but it also looks front on, so it's a really interesting effect. I hope you enjoyed this. If you did, hit the Subscribe button and get a new tutorial every week from PhotoshopCAFE. Add a like, add a comment, and until next time, I'll see you at the CAFE.
2 faced OPTICAL ILLUSION effect: PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL 2 faced OPTICAL ILLUSION effect: PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL Reviewed by Narooht on 3:20 AM Rating: 5

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