How to UPDATE PHOTOSHOP CC 2017, Where are my PLUGINS?

Credit by :  PhotoshopCAFE
How to Update Photoshop CC 2017Hey Cafe Crew, it's Colin Smith here from PhotoshopCAFE. Today I'm going to show you how to update Photoshop CC to the latest version which isCC 2017. I am also going to show you how to copy all your plug-ins over. And this will work pretty much for any update of Photoshop. So what we're going to do is go to Creative Cloud. Now if you don't see the latest version right there, just go under the icon and then, just go down and choose App Updates and update your app. But right now, we see that Photoshop CC 2017 is ready to go so I'm just going to click Update, type in my password and go. Now one of the things that you need to be aware of is 2017 is actually going to replace Photoshop CC 2015. 5. So when you just get the incremental updates from time to time, all they do is they just drop new features in an update, but when we do a full version such as a 2016 or a 2015or a 2017 in this case, it's going to completely replace that version of Photoshop. Okay, this is now being downloaded and if you'll look under here, you'll now see Open,so let me click on Open and what it's going to do now is it's going to open Photoshop. Okay, here we go. There's our Photoshop and if we go down the bottom here, you'll see that it's playing right there, but this is my old version; it's 2015. Now, if I turn on 2015. 5--in my case, it's still there--okay, so here we are. We are now running Adobe Photoshop CC 2017. Now one of the things you'll find is you could go under Filter or your third party plug-insare missing. All right, let's fix that. So what we're going to do is we're going to quit Photoshop CC right now and then we're going to go under the drive where we have this installed. We're going to go to the Applications folder. I'm just going to open this up a little bit so we can see. So here's the application folder right there and you'll see this Photoshop CC 2017. Now, if I double click that, it's going to open up and one of the things that you're going to see is there's a folder. This is plug-ins. Now if we click on those plug-ins, it just shows generators, so what I'm going to dois I'm just going to Ctrl or Command click and that's going to open that in a new tab. Okay, so here we are 2017. Let me go back to applications here and we can look at their earlier version, so here'sa 2015. 5. I'm going to Ctrl Click and open that in a new window. We're also going to go back here. Let's open up 2015 as well. So let's go to our plug-ins folder for 2017 and I'm going to move this tab to a new window. So here's our tab there; we've got nothing in it, really. Let's go to 2015. 5, go to plug-ins and we'll see we've got our Google. So that's a _[00:03:04] plug-ins, so we're just going to drag those over, hit Authenticate,and that will be our _ filter. Let's go to our previous version, see what else we've got in here. I've got a Particle Shop here and I've got some other filters, so let's just drag thoseover. Let's choose New. We'll just create a new file here and we're just going to go here. Let's just open a default Photoshop size, so there's really nothing in it. And if we look under the Filters, now you can see there are all our different filtersare now availableóParticle Shop, Photomatix, all the different ones. They may require updating in some cases, but let's have a look and see if it works so ifwe just grab here the Color Effects Pro4, and there we go. So I hope you found this little tip useful. If you did and you want lots more tips like this and other tutorials on Photoshop, Lightroomand different gadgets and stuff like that, don't forget to join the Cafe crew by hittingthe Subscribe button right now; become a subscriber. So thanks for watching, guys, hit the Like button, drop a comment, let me know you'rewatching. And until next time, I'll see you at the CAFE.
How to UPDATE PHOTOSHOP CC 2017, Where are my PLUGINS? How to UPDATE PHOTOSHOP CC 2017, Where are my PLUGINS? Reviewed by Narooht on 5:40 PM Rating: 5

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